Sameeksha PMS continues to generate superior returns for its investors with a CAGR returns of 23% since inception on an aggregate basis versus the benchmark index CNX500 TRI returns of 16.3% during the same period. This outperformance has been achieved in spite of maintaining average cash levels above 10% over the entire period. Indeed, this …
Sameeksha PMS Starts New Financial Year With Strong Alpha In April
Broader markets for the month of April remained flat amidst rising second wave of Covid 19. Sameeksha PMS, however delivered a significant alpha of over 3.5 percentage points over its benchmark CNX 500 TRI (Table 1). We maintained our top ranking within our PMS universe across all time periods with right at or near top …
Sameeksha At Five Years: Numero Uno In Performance Across The PMS And Mutual Fund Universe
Some wealth advisors, institutional investors and family offices prefer to see at least five years of trackrecord before they consider a short listing a fund for recommendation or investment. We have reachedthat milestone of five years. As per the data compiled by PMS Bazaar and Valueresearch, not a singlePMS has outperformed us for all four …
Sameeksha PMS Sustains Its Position As One Of The Consistent Top Performers
For the month ended February 2021, Sameeksha PMS was 2nd Ranked PMS out of 86 PMSes on a 2 year basis amongst the Multicap category and it was in Top 7% and Top 5% for 1 year and 3 year period respectively as per the data available by PMS Bazaar (Table 1). Amongst the PMS …
Sameeksha The Only PMS To Feature Among Top Three Performers Within The Multicap Category For All The Relevant Periods
Sameeksha PMS continues to retain its top performer billing. For the period ending 31st January 2021, we have achieved top three rank within the Multicap PMS category for all the periods with comparable data – one year, two years and three years (Table 1) based on data available with PMS Bazaar. Amongst all the PMSes …
Among The Absolute Best For The Periods Of One, Two, Three And ~Five Years
Having launched our fund on 1st April 2016, December 2020 marked completion of the fifth calendar year of our operation. We are pleased to share with you an update on our performance of Sameeksha PMS, a multicap India equity fund suitable for qualified high networth investors and institutions. When we launched our fund, we set …
For Yet Another Month, Sameeksha PMS Retains Its Leadership Position Among The Most Consistent Performers In India.
We are pleased to share with you our performance of Sameeksha PMS (Portfolio Management service, an investment category suitable for qualified high net worth investors) for the month of November 2020. For yet another month, we retain our leadership position amongst the most consistent performers in India with top decile ranking across time periods (Table …
Sameeksha Retains Its Spot As A Clear And Consistent Leader In Performance
Sameeksha PMS (PMS = Portfolio Management service, an investment category suitable for qualified high networth investors, similar to a Hedge Fund in the US) retained its spot among the absolute best performers with top decile ranking across one two and three year time periods (Table 1). We were in fact 4th out of 102 funds …
Sameeksha Sustains Its Top Decile Performance Rank
Among the universe of funds reporting to PMS bazaar, Sameeksha’s PMS has again comfortably outperformed its peers with returns comfortably above the averages for one year, two year and three year for the period ended September-2020. In fact, the performance of Sameeksha’s PMS was in top decile for two and three years and among top …
Sameeksha PMS Retains Top Decile Ranking For All Three Key Periods
Among all the funds reporting their performance to PMS Bazar (data extracted from PMS Bazar), Sameeksha has maintained its strong showing with performance ranking in top decile for one year, two years and three years ended August 31, 2020 (Table 1). We have retained top performance ranking among the PMS Universe on a rolling basis …