Since April 2016, we have been running a multi-cap (with emphasis on Mid and Small Cap companies) Long Only India Equity Fund under SEBI registered PMS structure. We specialize in investing in Indian listed equities as well as offshore investing through LRS route. We believe in developing and following robust processes for everything we do …
Advantages Of PMS As A Product And Prospects For The Industry
Portfolio Management Service (PMS) as an asset class has grown at exponential rates over the last few years. Over the last three years, as of June 19, the number of discretionary clients under PMS has grown by 175% from 52,761 clients to 1,44,879 clients and the AUM under discretionary mode has gone by about 56% …
Performance Update : October 2019
We are pleased to share with you an update on our performance. Specifically, we would like to highlight the following: We specialize in equity investing in India as well as abroad through LRS route. Our founder has had a stellar track record in the global equity investment space. We will be happy to furnish additional …
Sameeksha Annual Investor Letter
Financial year 2019 was a challenging year with slowing growth in both global as well as Indian economy. . An impressive uptick in March ended FY 19 performance of Nifty on a promising note. However, Mid Cap and Small Caps ended in red for the fiscal. Some of the major factors that led to the …
Performance Update : April 2017
Our Performance: Because of our unique approach of only investing based on absolute value and not following ‘fully Invested’ or ‘Model Portfolio’ approach, it is important to evaluate our performance based not only on overall returns but also on the performance of the invested portion (Table 1). Table 1: Performance of Sameeksha PMS for FY2017 …